Issues of Stubble Burning

31 Oct, 2022


Theme : Government Policies, Environment
Paper : GS - 1, GS - 3

The Green Revolution transformed the way agriculture was practiced in India, especially in Punjab and Haryana. The economics of high-yielding varieties of paddy and wheat, supported by a guaranteed buyer (the government) and minimum support prices led to a crop duopoly, and vitalised the practice of stubble burning.
Stubble burning is the intentional burning or setting on fire of crop residue to remove them from the field in order to sow the next crop. Leaving stubble on the field will invite termites and other pests which can damage the subsequent crop.


  1. Context
  2. Stubble Burning
  3. Reasons of Practicing Stubble Burning
  4. Associated Issues
  5. Chhattisgarh Model of Stubble Utilization

Context : According to an official report, more than 500 million tonnes of parali (crop residues) is produced annually in the country; cereal crops (rice, wheat, maize and millets) account for 70% of the total crop residue.

Stubble Burning : 

  • The Green Revolution transformed the way agriculture was practiced in India, especially in Punjab and Haryana. The economics of high-yielding varieties of paddy and wheat, supported by a guaranteed buyer (the government) and minimum support prices led to a crop duopoly, and vitalised the practice of stubble burning.
  • Stubble burning is the intentional burning or setting on fire of crop residue to remove them from the field in order to sow the next crop. Leaving stubble on the field will invite termites and other pests which can damage the subsequent crop.
  • Stubble burning begins around October and peaks in November, coinciding with the withdrawal of southwest monsoon.

Reasons of Practicing Stubble Burning : 

The Indian farmers have been practicing stubble burning for decades now and multiple factors lead to it. Some of them are:

  • One factor is being a cheaper way to get rid of crop debris.

  • Another is the boom of Mechanised Harvesting, which leaves behind 1- 2ft tall stubble which takes around 1.5 months to decompose on its own.

However, farmers do not have sufficient time as they need the soil prepared for the next crop, so instead of waiting for the residue to decompose they burn it.

Associated Issues : 

  • Environmental Degradation: Stubble burning emits toxic pollutants in the atmosphere containing harmful gases like Carbon Monoxide (CO), methane (CH4), carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (VOC).

    • These pollutants disperse in the surroundings and eventually affect air quality and people's health by forming a thick blanket of smog. This is one of the primary causes of Delhi's air pollution.

  • Soil at Risk: Soil becomes less fertile, and its nutrients are destroyed when the husk is burned on the ground. It generates heat that penetrates into the soil, causing an increase in erosion, loss of useful microbes and moisture.

    • Due to the loss of ‘friendly’ pests, the wrath of ‘enemy’ pests has increased and as a result, crops are more prone to disease. The solubility capacity of the upper layers of soil have also been reduced.

  • Climate Change Induced Stubble Burning: The shortened harvesting season due to climate change has forced the farmers to rapidly clear their fields between the kharif and rabi crops, and the quickest of these ways is to burn off the remaining stubble post-harvest.

  • Increased Backing, Increased Burning: Policy moves in subsequent decades has included the introduction of subsidies for electricity and fertilizers, and ease of access for credit in agriculture has significantly increased the crop yields and agricultural productivity, that has in turn cemented the issue of stubble burning.

Chhattisgarh Model of Stubble Utilization : 

  • An innovative experiment has been undertaken by the Chhattisgarh government by setting up Gauthans.
  • A gauthan is a dedicated five-acre plot, held in common by each village, where all the unused stubble is collected through parali daan (people’s donations) and is converted into organic fertilizer by mixing with cow dung and few natural enzymes.This scheme has also generated employment among rural youth.

FAQs : 

1. What is Stubble Burning?

Answer : Stubble burning is the intentional burning or setting on fire of crop residue to remove them from the field in order to sow the next crop. Leaving stubble on the field will invite termites and other pests which can damage the subsequent crop.

2. When does Stubble Burning begin?

Answer : Stubble burning begins around October and peaks in November, coinciding with the withdrawal of southwest monsoon.